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Application company in the VR-Chain project

AERO-LIFT is part of the BMBF-funded virtual reality project (VR-Chain)

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports measures in the field of innovative working environments in SMEs with its funding. In this context, the VR-Chain project was launched, in which AERO-LIFT Vakuumtechnik GmbH is involved as an application company alongside VETTER Krantechnik GmbH. The aim of the BMBF-funded project is to implement and improve collaboration and training scenarios in virtual space.

Using virtual reality, the research team aims to develop an interactive experience space that is systematically linked to upstream and downstream work processes and practices within a value chain. This will establish the flow of knowledge along the value chain and enable the companies involved to react flexibly and situationally to changes in the market, production and procurement.

The vacuum lifting devices manufactured by AERO-LIFT are often combined with crane technology from other manufacturers to create a complete solution for the customer. For the development of such a complete solution, it is essential to consider all combination and connection options as well as an exact interface definition.

The aim of the VR-Chain project is to optimize the high level of coordination and time required between the departments involved (sales, project planning, design, purchasing, production, service) within the company as well as across the company towards the supplier and customer. A seamless flow of information is the basis for success and should be made possible by the VR-Chain solution.

By observing work processes, qualitative interviews and workshops, user knowledge and experiences from all participating companies have already been incorporated and work flows in the value creation system have been presented accordingly.

In the next step, the research team will develop a technical and content-related concept on the basis of which a VR and scanning solution can be jointly developed and tested in an iterative and demand-oriented manner.
