Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below we answer the most frequently asked questions about our vacuum handling technology. Find quick and precise answers to your questions and find out more about the possible applications and advantages of our innovative handling solutions.


What is vacuum and what is negative pressure?

Our earth is surrounded by a layer of air several kilometres thick. The weight of this air mass presses down on the earth's surface and creates a pressure called atmospheric pressure.
At sea level, the atmospheric pressure is 1,013 mbar. A mass of approx. 10,000 kg acts on every square metre.
The higher you go, the thinner the air becomes and the atmospheric pressure drops. Up to 2,000 metres above sea level, the atmospheric pressure drops by 12.5 mbar per 100 metres.

Does the load-bearing capacity change with increasing height?

Yes, as the altitude increases, the maximum achievable vacuum level decreases and therefore also the load capacity.
The higher you go, the thinner the air becomes and therefore the atmospheric pressure also drops. 
At sea level, the air pressure is 1013 mbar.
Up to 2,000 m above sea level, the atmospheric pressure drops by 12.5 mbar per 100 m.

Air pressure at an altitude of 600 m: 1013 mbar - 6x12.5 mbar = 938 mbar
If a vacuum generator is specified as -750 mbar or 75 % vacuum, this value refers to sea level. At an altitude of 600 m and the same values, the vacuum is 75 % of 938 mbar = minus 704 mbar (70.4 % vacuum).
The possible holding force of a vacuum cup also decreases proportionally to the vacuum value achieved, i.e. only 70 % vacuum is achieved, which is why the holding force is only 0.70 kg/cm² instead of 0.75 kg/cm² at sea level.
(This value is without safety factor!)

What happens to the load lifted by the vacuum lifter in the event of a power failure?

The large vacuum reservoir ensures that the load is held securely even if the power supply fails. The electronic warning device monitors the power supply to the vacuum lifter and warns with a siren in the event of a power failure. A minimum holding time of 5 minutes is prescribed by law for vacuum lifters.

There is an exception for vacuum lifters with a blower for air-permeable goods; in this case, a blower with a safety overrun flywheel or battery backup must be used. A siren also warns in the event of a power failure. A minimum holding time is prescribed by law.

What is the difference between magnetic lifters, magnetic lifting beams and vacuum lifters, vacuum lifting beams?

Vacuum lifters can be used to lift loads regardless of the material. Whether aluminium sheets, plastic sheets, stainless steel sheets, wooden sheets, sacks, barrels or glass panes, the vacuum lifter requires a relatively closed surface, regardless of the material.

Only steel sheets can be transported with magnetic lifting beams. However, a closed surface is not absolutely necessary here. Perforated sheets, for example, can also be transported.

Why are suction plates or suction circuits with solenoid valves not allowed to be shut off during manual handling?

Solenoid valves must be set to SUCTION when de-energised - i.e. the load must be sucked in - so that the lifted goods are held in the event of a power failure.
the lifted load is held in the event of a power failure. However, if a solenoid valve is used to switch off suction plates or
or suction circuits are switched off with a solenoid valve, these suction plates would be activated automatically in the event of a power failure and the vacuum
vacuum is lost via the suction plates that are not in contact and the transported goods would fall down.

SOLUTION: Individual suction plates, suction circuits or suction groups can be switched on and off with solenoid valves. 
switched on and off. The solenoid valve remains in the switching position even in the event of a power failure and requires an additional 
pulse to switch to release.

Pulse valves are even used to preselect the sheet size on heavy-duty vacuum traverses for several tonnes 
and are used to switch suction circuits on and off via a PLC control system. 

What options are there for generating a vacuum? How does a compressed air vacuum ejector work?

The generation of vacuum is mainly divided into the following areas:

  • Vacuum pump
    • Dry-running rotary vane pump
    • oil-lubricated rotary vane pump
    • Water ring pump
  • Vacuum ejector
    • Multistage ejectors
    • Inline ejectors
    • Multi-circuit ejectors
  • Vacuum blower 


Which sealing material is suitable for my industry?

IndustryUsageRecommended Materials
Packaging industryCarton erecting machines, carton handling, removal and opening of bagsVinyl, NR, NBR, PUR, Vulkollan
Plastics industryInjection moulding machines (parts removal of all kinds)Silicone, FKM, NBR, HNBR, Vulkollan
CD - DVDTransport and moving, packagingSilicone, NR, Vulkollan
Wood industryTransport of wood and veneer panels, processing of panels and doors, MDF, HDF (vacuum clamping plates)NR, PUR, NBR grey, vinyl, SBR, silicone
Glass industryMoving of glass (insulating glass), car windows, mirrors, spectacle lenses, glass containers of all kinds, processing of glass plates (vacuum clamping plates)NR, NBR grey, SBR, suction cup with felt coating, Vulkollan, vinyl
Porcelain and ceramics industrySanitary fittings (e.g. bathtubs, shower trays, washbasins, toilets), loam and clay, tiles, roof tiles, crockery, vases, etc.NR, NBR, HNBR (also other materials; specify application)
Stone processingMarble and granite, exposed aggregate concrete slabs, interlocking paving, etc., processing of marble and granite (vacuum clamping plates)NR, NBR, HNBR (also other materials; specify application)
Food industryChocolate and pralines, bakery products, dairy products, fish and meat, eggsSilicone, EPDM, NR (food-approved)
Graphic industry (printing) Paper industryPaper feed for printing machines, separating paper and cardboard, photo printing paper, offset printing platesNR, Vulkollan, vinyl
Automotive industry NBR, HNBR, EPDM, PUR, FKM, Vulkollan, painted parts (suction cup with felt coating), freedom from silicone must be guaranteed
Electrical industry All materials possible (including some antistatic)
Cosmetics industry Silicone, NR, Vulkollan
Medical technology Silicone (food-approved)
Machine and special machine constructionLaser cutting machines, water jet cutting machines, punching machines, labelling machines, conveyor systems, vacuum lifting devicesNBR, HNBR (also other materials; specify application)



What are the material properties, advantages and disadvantages of the sealing materials?

Buna rubber

Abbreviation: BK
Material properties: low impression, very elastic, good wear resistance
Temperature range: 0 to +80°C
Areas of application: universally applicable, e.g. wood industry, glass industry

Neoprene, chlorinated rubber

Abbreviation: NE / CR
Material properties: resistant to wear, weathering, salt water and ozone, resistant to refrigerants (alcohol, ammonia), silicone oils and greases
Temperature range: -40 to +100 °C
Areas of application: universally applicable

Vistalon, Keltan, ethylene-propylene rubber

Abbreviation: EPDM
Material properties: Very good resistance to ozone, weathering and ageing, resistant to diluted acids, less resistant to mineral oil products, very flexible to use
Temperature range: -30 to +150 °C
Areas of application: Food and automotive industry

Hydrogenated nitrile rubber, hydrogenated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, Therban

Abbreviation: HNBR
Material properties: Temperature resistance of approx. 150 °C (continuous use), weather resistance (oxidation, ozone, UV resistance) better than NBR. Excellent resistance to acid gas, amine/oil mixtures, mineral oil-based liquids (fuels, lubricating oils, animal and vegetable fats, ozone, acid gas,
diluted acids and bases as well as bio-oils. Suitable for high dynamic loads; good abrasion resistance.
Temperature range: -30 to +150 °C
Areas of application: Packaging and automotive industry

Perbunan, Buna N, nitrile butadiene rubber

Abbreviation: NBR
Material properties: Good resistance to mineral oil products, animal and vegetable oils (except rapeseed oil) and hydrocarbons, good mechanical properties, limited ozone and weather resistance, high abrasion resistance, favourable ageing behaviour
Temperature range: -40 to +120 °C
Areas of application: universally applicable, e.g. sheet metal handling

Natural rubber

Abbreviation: NR
Material properties: Good elasticity and mechanical strength, high tensile strength and abrasion resistance, excellent dynamic properties
Temperature range: -60 to +80 °C
Areas of application: universally applicable, e.g. paper, wood industry, natural stone handling, printing industry, food, packaging, glass industry,

Polyurethane, Vulkollan, polyurethane rubber

Abbreviation: PU
Material properties: Excellent wear behaviour, high tear resistance and elasticity, good resistance to mineral oils
Temperature range: -40 to +90 °C
Areas of application: Hard use, automotive industry, packaging industry, wood industry
Strengths: long service life, low impression
Not suitable for:  Acids


Abbreviation: SI
Material properties: High resistance to weathering and ozone, good wear behaviour, high elasticity, low imprint (white and transparent), unsuitable for glass
Temperature range: -40 to +200 °C (in some cases up to 220 °C)
Areas of application: Plastics industry, CD and DVD production, wood industry, food industry, cosmetics industry, medical technology

Viton, fluororubber

Abbreviation: Vit, FPM, FKM
Material properties: Excellent resistance to mineral oil products, many organic solvents, ozone, oxygen and many chemicals
Temperature range: -40 to +210 °C (briefly up to 250 °C)
Areas of application: Plastics industry, automotive industry

Vinyl, polyvinyl chloride, PVC

Abbreviation: Vinyl
Material properties: Very good wear resistance
Temperature range: -20 to +85 °C
Areas of application: Packaging industry, CD and DVD production, wood industry, glass industry, paper industry, printing industry

Sponge rubber

Abbreviation: M
Material properties: ideal for textured sheet metal, can be used outdoors (moisture, frost), suitable for rougher surfaces (e.g. stone), moulded or open-pored
Temperature range: 0 to +90 °C
Areas of application: Natural stone handling, textured sheets, outdoor applications (resistant to frost and moisture)

What materials can be transported with a vacuum lifter?

All airtight and slightly porous materials can be transported with a vacuum lifter or vacuum tube lifter. 
transport. It is important that there is sufficient surface area for suction on the transported goods.

In the case of dense transport goods, a dry-running rotary vane pump or an ejector can be used as a vacuum generator.
vacuum generator in manual handling at 60 % vacuum (-0.6 bar) with a load capacity of 0.3 kg with double the safety factor per square centimetre of surface. 
safety per square centimetre of surface area. With an oil-circulation lubricated vacuum pump at 
80 % vacuum (-0.8 bar), a load capacity of 0.4 kg with double the safety factor per square centimetre of surface area can be assumed.

For porous transport goods, depending on the air permeability of the transport goods, manual handling with 
depending on the air permeability of the transported goods, a blower with a safety follow-up flywheel mass or a vacuum pump with battery buffering can be used.

We will be happy to assist you in selecting the vacuum generator and carry out free porosity analyses with your transported goods. 
your transported goods.


Examples of transported goods:

  • Sheet metal: Stainless steel sheets, aluminium sheets, steel or copper sheets
  • Wood: planks, beams, boards, OSB boards, rough-sawn boards, chipboard, slats, planed or coated
  • Automotive: motorhome parts, fixtures, roofs, bonnets
  • Furniture: Table tops, worktops, chairs, desk tops, packaged furniture parts
  • Cartons: Picking, stacking, packing,
  • Bags: palletising/depalletising, stacking, filling of bag chutes and mixing containers,  
  • Drums, buckets, canisters: transporting, emptying, weighing, picking, filling, moving
  • Food: drinks, cheese, bottles, fish, sausage mix
  • Laser cutting system: loading and unloading
  • Wind energy: rotor blades, sheet metal for tower construction
  • Solar energy: solar panels, tubes for solar collectors
  • Boxes / housings: switch cabinets, fittings, washing machines
  • Electrical: inverters, printers, scales, electrical appliances, power supply units
  • Glass: panes, windows, feeding glass cutting machines, glasses
  • Plastic: sheets, removal from press, GRP parts, film coils
  • Cutting
  • Suitcases, luggage at the airport
  • Construction sites: Exterior, panels, trapezoidal sheets
  • Concrete parts and stones
  • Pipes and round materials

Can entire pallet layers or parts with recesses also be lifted?

Complete pallet layers with parts can be transported with a vacuum lifter, vacuum tube lifter or with a 
VUSS area gripper.

If the pallet layer always looks the same and is complete, the suction cups can be positioned so that the complete layer can be lifted. 
complete layer can be lifted. Example: Cartons

If the pallet layer is always different or incomplete, the 
AERO-LIFT VUSS area gripper can be used in an automated application. The same applies to components with different recesses 
or recesses, e.g. knotholes. Here, a VUSS surface gripper can significantly increase process reliability.


In order to be able to make a reliable statement, it makes sense to carry out tests with the transported goods. Talk to us, we will be 
will be happy to help you find a solution to your handling problem.


What regulations apply to vacuum lifter manufacturers?

Vacuum lifters are “loose load-carrying devices”. EN 13155-2013 Cranes – Loose load-carrying equipment is binding for the manufacturer, as is the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex II A.

Further regulations are:

  • EN ISO 12100 Parts 1 and 2 Safety of machines and systems
  • EN 61000-6-3 Electromagnetic compatibility
  • EN 55024 Information technology equipment, immunity characteristics, limit values ​​and test methods
  • EN 33404-3 Acoustic danger signals
  • EN 842 Visual danger signals
  • EN 1005 – 2 Manual handling of objects
  • EN 60 204 – 1 Electrical equipment for industrial machines

What regulations apply to manufacturers of vacuum tube lifters?

Vacuum tube lifters are subject to EN 14238:2004 "Hand-held manipulators" and the EC Machinery Directive
2006/42/EC, Annex II A and EN 61000-6-3 Electromagnetic compatibility.

What regulations apply to the operators of vacuum lifters?

For the operators of vacuum lifters and vacuum lifting devices, the guidelines of the employers' liability insurance associations in accordance with DGUV Rule 100-500 / BGR 500 are mandatory. The trade association guidelines stipulate, for example, that a vacuum lifter must be inspected by an expert after a maximum of one year.

Are there special regulations for vacuum lifters on construction sites?

Yes, as the legislator assumes an increased risk potential on construction sites, there is an additional
there is an additional regulation for use on construction sites in EN 13155.

Vacuum lifters on construction sites require an additional positive-locking holding device or 
a dual-circuit system.

Legal text EN 13155
Vacuum lifters that are intended for use on construction sites must 
be equipped with a second positive-locking holding device, or the reserve vacuum, including the non-return valve, must be
including non-return valve must be provided in duplicate. Each reserve vacuum must be equipped with 
be connected to a separate set of vacuum discs. Each set of vacuum discs must meet the
fulfil the requirements of

An example of a construction site device is the vacuum panel lifter type CLAD-BOY with a 
form-fit holding device:

What is prescribed for vacuum lifters according to EN 13155?

  • At least twice the load capacity at the end of the working area
  • Pressure measuring device (vacuum gauge, vacuum indicator) with labelling of the working and danger area
  • The display must be fully visible to the operator or crane driver in his normal working position.
  • Vacuum lifters with a vacuum pump require a vacuum accumulator, reserve vacuum and a non-return valve
  • Vacuum lifters with Venturi system, ejector require a pressure reserve tank or a vacuum reserve tank and a non-return valve
  • Vacuum lifters with a blower must have a safety follow-up flywheel mass or battery backup
  • Self-priming vacuum lifters, e.g. vacuum lifter type BASIC-LIFT, must have a reserve stroke of at least 5 % of the total piston stroke at the maximum load.
  • An automatic warning device must be used to monitor the power supply (current, battery voltage or compressed air) and the vacuum level when the danger zone is reached. When
  • The monitoring must be activated automatically when the vacuum lifter is switched on. The signalling must be visual or audible.
  • In the event of a power failure, the load must be held for at least 5 minutes.
  • It must only be possible to release the load by means of dual operation. AERO-LIFT uses manual slide valves with safety interlock or double pushbuttons for the suction/release function.
  • Operating buttons for tilting or turning movements must be designed without self-holding. This means that a movement may only be carried out as long as the button is pressed. When the button is released, the movement must stop immediately "dead man's control"
  • The suction plates and suction discs must be adapted to the shape of the transported goods.

Are you looking for an efficient and ergonomic handling solution specifically for your challenge?
Then AERO-LIFT is the right partner for you.

We are happy to utilise our experience from numerous industries and application areas to help your company move forward together!
