What options are there for generating a vacuum?
How does a compressed air vacuum ejector work?

The generation of vacuum is mainly divided into the following areas:

  • Vacuum pump
    • Dry-running rotary vane pump
    • oil-lubricated rotary vane pump
    • Water ring pump
  • Vacuum ejector
    • Multistage ejectors
    • Inline ejectors
    • Multi-circuit ejectors
  • Vacuum blower 

Vacuum pump: dry-running rotary vane pump

This vacuum pump uses self-lubricating graphite vanes. These pumps are very low-maintenance 
and robust. Only the rotor vanes need to be replaced at regular intervals of 3000 operating hours. 
operating hours.  

Operating principle: Slides are loosely inserted in the slots of the rotor, which is mounted eccentrically in a cylinder.
inserted. These are pressed against the cylinder wall by centrifugal force and divide the compression chamber into several chambers. 
chambers. Air flows into the chambers from the inlet channel. In the direction of the air outlet channel, the chamber 
chamber volume decreases, the trapped air is compressed and pushed out.


Vacuum pump: oil-lubricated rotary vane pump

There are also oil-circulation lubricated vacuum pumps with a high ultimate vacuum. The sealing of the vanes 
are sealed by the metered oil supplied and conveyed. A non-return valve and efficient oil separation are integrated in the pump.
integrated in the pump. The oil recirculation regulated by a float valve allows the vacuum pumps to be used in rough vacuum operation as well.
even in rough vacuum operation. Optional water cooling significantly extends the service life of the oil, even in difficult ambient conditions.
environmental conditions.




VAL 70Ö-250Ö


Water ring pump

Water ring pumps are insensitive to dust, dirt, moisture and thermal stress. 
Water ring pumps can also be used to extract explosive gas mixtures. They are very suitable if 
the intake air has a high level of humidity.

Operating principle: The principle is simple and robust: The impeller is the only moving part and rotates without contact - without housing contact and without contact. 
without contact with the housing and without contact with the control discs that limit the impeller end faces. Sealing 
sealing is provided by an operating fluid ring that rotates together with the impeller in the housing. This fills the 
This completely fills the impeller cell at the upper apex and then lifts off the hub as the impeller rotates. The gas is 
sucked in through the suction slot of the control disc. On the pressure side, the liquid ring approaches the impeller hub again and compresses the gas 
like a piston - the gas is expelled via the flexible pressure slot of the control disc.


Vacuum ejector

Vacuum ejectors generate the vacuum from compressed air. They work according to the Venturi principle. In contrast to 
electric vacuum generation with a pump or blower, they are independent of the power supply. Only a compressed air
compressed air connection is required. Ejectors generate a vacuum of up to 90 % at a lower volume flow. 
However, the volume flow can be increased by using a multi-chamber ejector.

Functional principle: Compressed air flows through the jet nozzle into the ejector. Due to the cross-sectional constriction 
in the jet nozzle increases the flow velocity of the air to supersonic speed. After the nozzle, the air 
into a chamber. This creates a vacuum and air is sucked in through the intake opening. The 
The compressed air and the intake air flow out through the capture nozzle as exhaust air.


Multi-stage ejectors

Single-stage ejector and multi-stage ejector

Multi-chamber ejectors consist of several chambers K1, K2, K3 etc. arranged in series. The exhaust air is 
to the compressed air inlet of another chamber. In this way, the volume flow can be increased. The 
The individual chambers are closed by valve flaps in the chambers via the vacuum that builds up. 
Multi-stage ejectors are characterised by a high pumping speed. The series connection of the chambers
chambers in series, shorter evacuation times can be achieved.


Inline ejectors

With inline ejectors, the ejector is mounted directly on the vacuum cup. If one suction cup is not occupied, the vacuum 
vacuum is maintained on the other suction cups. No shut-off valves are required.


Multi-chamber ejectors

The multi-chamber ejectors have four, five, six or more separate vacuum circuits. As each circuit works independently 
the desired vacuum is always generated. The multi-circuit ejectors are suitable for lifting workpieces of different sizes and where 
workpieces of different sizes and where there are unevennesses or level differences in the material. As
These ejectors are particularly valuable when lifting several parts. Any gaps that occur are 
unproblematic as the ejectors have several independent circuits.
To release the transported material quickly and precisely, these ejectors are equipped with an integrated, central blow-off mechanism. 
central blow-off mechanism.


Vacuum blowers, side channel blowers

Vacuum blowers deliver a high volume flow. They are used wherever large volumes of air need to be extracted. 
have to be extracted. Vacuum blowers are very well suited when air-permeable materials such as 
cardboard packaging, paper sacks or porous chipboard.

Functional principle: A rotating impeller accelerates the air several times, thereby compressing it. At the outlet 
compressed air is expelled through a silencer at the outlet. A negative pressure is created at the blower inlet and a lot of air can 
air can flow in.
